
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

proc and lambda

proc and lambda in Ruby – Introduction

Today we are going to talk a little bit about the infamous procs and lambdas in Ruby and the differences between them. Well, you may already know that a proc and a lambda are objects of the same class:
  1. p, l = proc{}, lambda{}
  2. p.class
  3. #=> Proc
  4. l.class
  5. #=> Proc

So is proc an alias for lambda ? The answer is no. The Proc object returned by a call to proc{} has differences from the Proc object that the lambda{} call returns (This is only true for Ruby 1.9, as of Ruby 1.8 the proc and lambda was just aliases. In Ruby 1.8 the Proc object returned by a call to was different from lambda).